Science engineering & research
Tsunami Warning System
We development of a Tsunami warning system and Deep-ocean climate data buoys. RiChen’s partner institutions and collaborators provide deep expertise in our theme areas.
Used to detect tsunamis in advance and issue warnings to prevent loss of life and damage. It is made up of two equally important components: a network of sensors to detect tsunamis and a communications infrastructure to issue timely alarms to permit evacuation of the coastal areas.

Ocean Bottom Seismometer
Yardbird produced by RiChen Technology is the OBS which is development by TORI, the Institute of Earth Science of Academia Sinica and the Institute of Undersea Technology of the National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan. Can effectively collect seabed seismic data, understand the submarine underground structure, used in submarine energy exploration and detecting a tsunami…etc.Yardbirds have been successfully deployed and recovered in several research cruises in Taiwan and Korea.